Donnerstag, 7. Mai 2009

Female Fan Site ?

"And with a little gay porn boy it was a resembling story. Before I discovered him, I wasn’t much interested in gay porn. From time to time (very seldom) I watched such videos but always remained indifferent. There was nothing to become a part of my erotic fantasies that’s why I preferred reading to watching. But one day, when I had nothing to do, I just typed on YouTube something like “young boys kissing” and started to watch the videos, one after another… they were so numerous (these videos), but there was only one among them that really touched me and made my heart pounding. It was a scene from Every Poolboy’s Dream. I watched maybe 20 or 30 times how Brenty (that’s how I call him now) seats on a sofa, leaning his back against another boy’s chest, then lets him take off his undershirt and offers himself for the numerous kisses… His hands, his face, his neck, his nipples and his cat eyes (I also noticed that his eyes were cattish) – his entire body was so tender and beautiful and his movements so magically slow and gracious that for me it was not a porn any more (it was obvious that it was a part of a porn movie), it was a dance of passion and beauty, a fascinating fandango, performed by a God of Love."

This was a quote from a mail an amazing fan of Brent Corrigan wrote to me. She lives in Kiev, with husband and kids. I hope that our email exchange will flourish as it had so far. I just post this -- interrupting my tale of twink celebreties for a moment, -- to address fans who are interested in any sort of exchange, not necessarily ON Brent but maybe around him. It is amazing enough to get to know people, women, girls who have the interest in a gay porn actor in common. Already this fact in itself is amazing enough.
I was still unsure if I should get involved in this as my personal interest got a bit more critical, complex, “adult” than it used to be a year ago. Also I noticed that for a while BC had contact with me (I put him on an art show in Vienna and wrote about him for the catalogue), but then stopped responding. I asked him about his opinion about a female fan site, he did not respond, but mentions it proudly in his chat on
“BC: Ha! I have a ton of female fans of all ages. They are about to group and start a fan site I think. It's a big compliment to know I can reach beyond the usual demographic.”
In the next section my question is being posed (with a slightly disappointing answer but that is another story).
Well, maybe I am too full of myself, and there are other fans who want to start something; if so I would also like to know. If this was about my initiative that I discussed with a woman in Berlin who is very busy though, and wants to stay in the background, I would have preferred a more direct form of communication. To me, it makes a bit of a difference if as a fan or rather a participating observer I have personal contact with the person of interest or not. I am a critical observer; and as I am also working in the field of film and performance I like to give my opinion about the style and direction of artistic production. I like to extend this to porn, why not? Why not review it like any other filmic form?
Anyway, that’s where I am at now as a rather adult and therefore maybe atypical “fan” who had brief email contact with her “star”.
So write me.
I will not publish your comments if you tell me not to do so.

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